Journey to the Heart: Secrets of Aboriginal Healing

December 29, 2016

This is a true story about a Quadriplegic Scientist who goes to a remote tribe in Australia for healing.  He discovers that there are other ways to try and heal from a disease and that Western medicine or thought isn’t the only way.  What leads him to the outback to learn an older system of healing are a few synchronistic encounters and the scary feedback from doctor’s that he doesn’t have too much longer to live so better get his ‘affairs in order.’ The 40,000 year old healing techniques help him to discover that his way of thinking and interacting with the world have created the health challenges he faces of not being to feel his legs.  He finds out, on his journey with the aid of a Aboriginal healer and teacher, that there is a link between him not having any feeling or connections with others and his physical ailment.  There are deeper reasons to why he got the disease he has and the old ways help him to look at those with more awareness so that inner change can take place.  In fact, the order of being able to heal his ailment in the Aboriginal culture is first Willingness, then Awareness, Acceptance (with Gratitude), Empowerment (or Responsibility), and Focus. He slowly goes through a change in perspective and deeper connection with those around him, which begins to gradually effective his body and bring physical healing!

The Dyanamic Laws of Prosperity by Catherine Ponder

July 12, 2012

I just finished reading another one of Catherine Ponder’s classic books on prosperity and how to attract more of it in your life. The title is The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity and is just a longer version of her later smaller books on the same topic. I actually felt like I got more out of the skinny shortened version books on the same theme because it was more concise and to the point. So, I recommend getting one of those condensed versions, especially if your on the go and don’t have a lot of time to read a thicker book. She talks about how it is everyone’s God given right to be prosperous, healthy, and supported by the Universe. That God wants everyone to succeed and do well and to reap the benefits of thinking positive thoughts and taking concrete action by being persistent in following our dreams or aspirations. If someone or something knocks us down this should then give us more incentive or initiative to rise up and keep trying. She also talks about the benefit of tithing or giving a percentage of money to a spiritual community or church. This way the donation given to God or Spirit comes back to us. In the Bible the number ten is suppose to be a magic prosperous number so one would give ten percent of what they make. Ponder explains that many other successful people like Rockefeller, Colgate, Heinz, and Kraft practiced this ancient law of attracting money and Rockefeller would say, ‘God gave me my wealth.’  She also talks about being magnetic to attract what we desire. The way this is done is by deliberately having positive thoughts towards oneself and others. Saying certain statements like, ‘I am successful and only good comes to me’ often is one way. Some of the other ways she recommends to create more prosperity is to make a list of what one desires and to even make daily lists of what one wants to accomplish in a single day. Other techniques she talks about are to imagine what you want because the mind is powerful and does make the experiences in ones life. The same is true if a person is experiencing a lot of hardship and limitations, she believes that it all stems from the imaging one creates in ones own mind. Another activity that I would like to try is she suggests making a wheel of fortune board which has different aspects of ones life on it like career, relationships, health and positive images that go with each section, kind of like a wish board. I also like what she says about, “Nature abhors a vacuum” and because of that fact will rush in to fill it. So, if we get rid of clutter or things we don’t want or use then imagine what we DO want then nature will fill it for us in unexpected ways!  One other interesting pointer she has is on different types of prayer. She declares that, “the person who prays daily is certain to succeed, because he is attuning himself to the most richest, most successful force in the Universe.” She speaks of general prayer to God for whatever we need, prayer of denial or saying ‘no’ to something, prayers of affirmation, and prayers of silence or meditation. I thought that the prayer of denial was interesting because I’d never heard of it before. Basically, a person says ‘no’ in their mind to something in their life they don’t want anymore and this neutralizes fear, worry, sorrow, sickness etc. For example if one is in a unhappy or bad state/way then one would say ‘no’ I don’t accept this present condition I know I will get better and I am getting well. An affirmation she states is, “There is nothing for me to fear. God’s spirit or Good is at work and Divine results are coming forth” to dissolve worries and fears. I like to make up new affirmations of my own to fit what I am currently going after in life so I have assistance from Spirit and my own mind to make it happen! Ponder has many other useful old and new reminders about how to attract more prosperity so I definitely recommend reading one of her books!

The Emotion Code

February 21, 2012

I just finished reading The Emotion Code by Dr. Bradley Nelson. It explains how we can release trapped emotions so as to live a happier, healthier, and more abundant life. It has some really interesting true accounts of people who have experienced the healing of this technique by releasing trapped emotions. Nelson also explains how emotions can build up around the heart to protect us from feeling pain, fear, sadness, etc. which is called a “Heart Wall” and describes how these can be released as well. My father released trapped emotions for myself and my daughter already and I noticed a huge change for both of us. We both felt happier, calmer, and more at peace with certain people in our life’s and events that happened long ago. There is a chart in the book that shows how each trapped emotion is connected to a certain area of the body and often times if one has a trapped emotion then this will effect this specific area of the body. He has had numerous clients (he is a chiropractic doctor as well)that have been healed of physical ailments after releasing old trapped emotions. He goes into depth on how to use muscle testing in order to get right answers for a person on what emotion needs to be released, when it first appeared and if it happened in the womb or was passed on from a family member. I can’t wait to start learning and practicing these new techniques on family and friends.

The Healing Power of the Past: A New Approach to Healing Family Wounds

August 7, 2011

This is a really interesting book about family constellations (also called Systemic Therapy) work that was started by the European psychotherapist Bert Hellinger. The book is written by Bertold Ulsamer, Ph.D. and talks about this new effective therapeutic approach. I have tried family constellations a few times and have gotten a lot out of it. I still notice new things months afterwards that are helpful from the sessions. The book explains how problems or entanglements can be passed on from generation to generation from ancestors that were unable to resolve difficulties in their own lifetimes. When thes past influences from our ancestors are acknowledged or identified then pressures can be released and love can flow. Also, emotional suffering can be gently changed and healed for the better of all in the family system. This type of work is growing and now is being used in twenty five different countries. I found it really interesting how a therapist can do a constellation on a country to heal old wounds. I would highly recommend this type of work and will be reading more about it in the upcoming months.

Teachings on Love by Thich Nhat Hanh

July 7, 2011

I am enjoying reading some of Thich Nhat Hanh’s books recently because they are honest and therapeutic for the soul. One of the things I really appreciated and respected about his teachings on love in this particular book is his teachings on venerating ones ancestors.  He talks about praying to them and giving thanks to them, our father, mother, and grandparents.  I also liked his discussion of true love which contains respect. That a husband and wife always must try to respect each other as ‘honored guests.’  When this is practised he says that then love will last a long time.  These small gestures, attitudes, and awarenesses can easily be taken for granted in any relationship, especially in a long term partnership where we see the person everyday and assume they’ll always be with us, no matter how they are treated.  This also brings up the importance of having or feeling gratitude towards the other person. It is good to say to your partner thank you for being my partner and chosing me.  I liked what he said about saying to ones long life partner, once in awhile or if you notice something is wrong, “Darling, what can I do to relieve your suffering” or “Darling, I am here for you, what can I do for you” or ” I know you are suffering, that is why I am here for you.”  He also brings up that true love is a responsibility and it is accepting someone for their strengths as well as their weaknesses-the whole person. When a person we love does something well and that is towards their own growth for the better it is importnat to be postive and show them approval or congratulations.  To bring them up instead of down.  These simple things the author speaks of seem obvious but they are all too soon forgotten once we are in the middle of a real committed relationship.

Living with Joy by Sanaya Roman

July 7, 2011

This books seemed a little outdated but still had some good messages in it. The author channels a higher being that gives helpful messages.

St. Francis of Assizi by Father Murray Bodo

March 22, 2011

I enjoyed listening to these CDs on St. Francis before going to bed at night. The reader has a very soothing, relaxing, and prayerful voice.  He gave one specific helpful tip from St. Francis that helps a person to work with more concentration and to become more empathetic/caring.  The advice he gives is called SPORT which stands for Silence, Purification, Openess, Response, and Time. He goes through each of these steps with stories from St. Francis’s life.  To brief synopsis of each one is:

Silence-enter into inner silence in one’s mind and soul.  Pray and go within. “Be still and know that I am God.”

Purification-surrendering to a voice within to become what you want to become. Forgiveness is very important to then let go so one can tap into a deeper spiritual power.  All purification has to do with forgiveness-then one’s heart becomes purified. Purification has to do with ridding oneself with the preoccupation with oneself and to begin to think of others.  Purify your heart, forgive oneself and let God take over.

Openess-Develop empathy and caring for others.  Can see in a new light.  “Seeing with the eye of the heart”  Prejudice can really blind us, acceptance of another opens us.  Need a balance, can’t be too open otherwise one gets hurt.

Response-Move from imaginative energizing prayer to response.  From inward prayer to outward love towards others.  Contemplative seeing leads to practical caring and response. Here he gives the story of the Good Samaritan as an example of Response.

Time-One needs patience and perserverence to bring about transformation. Be patient and gentle with yourself, go with and trust sacred time not chronological time. This way one will become peaceful and an instrument of peace for others. Slow down to a peaceful speed instead of a hurried, hectic, rushed pace.

To Hear the Angels Sing

March 22, 2011

This autiobiography by Dorothy Maclean pulled me in right away.  Partly because her life story starts out similar to my own: we were both born and raised in Canada and then travelled to the United States and other places. Also, she is linked to the Sufi world and Inayat Khan.  I use to go to Sufi camp with my Mom in the Rocky Mountains in Canada, Sufi meditation and folk dancing too.  The rest of the story is compelling too. She is one of the first people to start Findhorn in Scotland.  Her and two others began to plant a garden in very rock and depleted soil and miraculously turn it into nutrient rich soil.  Scientists and others who later test the soil are amazed at how rich it is and want to know their secret.  They start out by communicating with devas and angels and by listening to their instructions and helpful advice they are able to change the soil and grow many things. It is interesting to hear how the author starts out as listening to her own inner guidance and messages to then listing to the nature spirits that help them.  My daughter thinks it sounds corny but to anyone interested in higher beings, angels, or spirit this will be an interesting easy to read book.

Creating True Prosperity

February 14, 2011

The new book I just finished is called Creating True Prosperity by Shakti Gawain.  All of her books are really easy to read and to grasp. She talks about the meaning of true prosperity and that a person who is rich can still be unhappy within.  A lot of us define prosperity as having whatever we desire in the material sense and in order to feel secure. However, she defines it as, “…the experience of having plenty of what we truly need and want in life, material and otherwise.”  That problems can exist for all levels of income and that a lot of time we yearn for something more and try to fulfill that inner yearning with outside things like a car, house, relationship, better job.  Some of these things bring satisfaction and some of them don’t.  A lot of us are running around without knowing how we feel or what we truly want.  It is important to ask yourself what you truly want on a spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical level. Each one of these parts of us is important and needs to be nourished and supported.  Gawain talks about the important of appreciating what you already have in life. I practise an exercise of give thanks while walking. I list off all the things I have that I am thankful for and then I ask for what else I would like to come into my life.  It is a kind of prayer of gratitude for my family, friends, home, etc. that I already have. I believe that this feeling of gratitude attracts more prosperity. 

She goes on to talk about money being a symbol of energy.  It represents our own creative energy within us and our financial situation reflect how our life is going.  So, if we heal and work on ourselves this helps to free up blocked energy so that other matters in our life flow easier too.  It is helpful to look at different polarities of ourselves so that we live in a balanced and whole way.  We have ‘primary selves’ that are the most predominant sides of our personalities and then we have the ‘disowned selves’ that are repressed in some degree.  The more we work with them to come into balance the more joy and prosperity we will have in our lifes. The seven steps she gives towards true prosperity are: gratitude, awareness, healing, following your truth, creating a vision, setting goals, and sharing your gifts.

The Path of Transformation by Shakti Gawain

January 12, 2011

This is a really easy and simply book to read, it only took me about a day to finish it. It’s all about creating change in your life and how that inner tranformation brings healing and outer change to the world.  I never really thought of it like that before. I’ve heard the saying so many times, “we are all connected or we are all one” in spiritual circles. However, she explains in another convincing way.  That we are so connected that the inner antagonism or undealt with anger in ourselves is what creates outer wars, disagreements, and major world problems.  So, basically, the more we work on our own emotions, thoughts, and physical healing the more this will effect the whole planet for good.  She also talks about the difference between the path of the material seeker and the spiritual seeker as well as the difference between the path of transcendence and the path of transformation.  Individuals on the path of transcendence are trying to deny their passions, urges and everything that makes up the physical aspect of their own selves.  It’s what keeps us here on the material plane.  This route is a way to avoid the here and now and to try and leave the physical aspect of life.  Many religious sects seek this way as well ascetics, devotees, yogis, monks, rabbis.  It’s a way to try and get away from the pain and limitation of the material reality.  However, this material existence was created for a reason: to learn and to grow.  It’s not meant to be a place to escape from or get away from but to share our own joy and inner gifts.  The path of transformation on the other hand is learning to live in this world and still be connected to a higher spirituality or higher power.  It is what we call our own inner guidance, intuition, or inner teacher that is always present.  Connecting to ones own inner knowing can be work or challenging at first, like any new practise or endevour. However, once one begins to listen to that small inner voice it starts to become easier.  A person has to learn to distinquish between their own ego and emotions that get in the way of hearing this tiny voice inside.  Shakti Gawain talks about healing the different aspects of ourselves so that we can get in touch with this inner voice more easily.  The physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual parts of us are all connected and if one is out of balance in can effect the rest of us.  It’s important to seek out supportive friends and techniques to heal oneself if needed and to not beat oneself up or blame oneself for whatever stage one is at because we are all learning and in this together!  She makes a list at the end of the book that may be helpful on the path of transformation.  Make a commitment to do the  best you can to learn, heal, grow, and to gain consciousness or awareness is number one.  The next step is to follow your own inner guidance and to begin a regular relationship of listening to it and following it.  Step three is to find support and not to pretend that you are completely self sufficient and can do it all alone.  The next one is to use tools that can help all aspects of ones own self like: yoga, workshops, dance, hypnotherapy, therapeutic modalities, and others.  Step five is to allow healing by caring, trusting, and loving yourself and giving yourself space and time to heal.  The seventh step is to express creativity because it is a way of sharing ones gifts and spreading joy, happiness, and ones positive energy!  Ones inner perfectionist or critic might try to supress this creativity and stop it.  It helps to remember or reconnect with the playful and fun side of ourselves, which is our own inner child to feel lighter and more creative.  The last step is sharing with others what one has learned by passing on what one knows.  If one follows the other steps than this will happen without trying. The more we heal ourselves and follow our own inner gifts the more we will have the unrepressible urge to share it with others.  This leads to expressing and sharing ones higher purpose with the world which is the way to healing the planet.  She talks about how the gifts that we were meant to share with the world we were born with them and that they are sometimes difficult to detect or see in ourselves because they come so naturally and easily to us.  I agree with Gawain’s  thoughts that, “as we follow the seven steps on the path of transformation, we find ourselves guides toward discovering and fulfilling our higher purpose in life.  That higher purpose is quite literally, the sharing of our gifts.”  (p. 227).  If every one of us on earth were to boldy experiment with this path of tranformation I think that it would bring big changes to the healing of our world.